Little Yellow Flower Foundation is a non-profit organization founded in 2007 by four renowned celebrities – Sinje Lee, Charlie Young, Gigi Leung and Valen Hsu. They all have a common love for children, concerns for their welfare and are inspired by wanting to make a difference in the children’ lives together.
It is the belief of the Foundation to help the underprivileged children worldwide, to provide them with the environment required for their learning and education, and to change their future for the better. In its early days, LYFF was focused on the provision of education aid to underprivileged children. With the better understanding of the challenges faced by these children across different regions, the scope of the Foundation works has been expanded gradually. Through the diversification of the projects, it is our hope that the children in different locale could effectively overcome their hardships.
We believe that the true well-being of children cannot be attained through material possessions alone, but rather through LOVE.
We are committed to conveying Love, Empathy and Hope to all children regardless of their social status.
The Origin of Little Yellow Flower
Many years ago, we chanced upon a field of yellow flowers and realised that they were tiny with five heart-shaped petals. We immediately felt a deep connection and felt that it was the right symbol to represent the spirit of our foundation. Beautiful flowers blossoming in and resilient despite a harsh environment.
We immediately felt a deep connection and felt that it was the right symbol to represent the spirit of our foundation.
Beautiful flowers blossoming in and resilient despite a harsh environment.
Our Objectives
Spirit of Little Yellow Flower
Little Yellow Flowers growing in the countryside, resilient and strong against the forces of wind and rain, blossoming and radiant.
Through empathy, support and aid are provided for families and children in direct need.
Through lending a listening ear and taking note of a child’s innermost being, we allow the child to lead us in guiding them towards their mission in life.
We believe in equality and equal opportunity for all and we lead a child to live a stable life without discrimination and help to break them out of the cycle of poverty.
Sowing the seeds of sharing and through practical action, allowing the child to experience the power of love and to continually pass on the spirit and love of Little Yellow Flower.